Tending Fire Men's Groups & Podcast

Over the winter months, I came into deeper contact with an aspect of my purpose that, up until now, I hadn't seen clearly.

My father took me to my first men's retreat when I was seventeen years old, and I've been doing men's work ever since - both as a participant and facilitator - for more than twenty years. I wouldn't have the healthy marriage, family, or business that I have, if it wasn't for the men's groups that have supported me on my journey. This winter, I connected to the calling to build a community of men who are committed to a viable future for the children and the future generations.

Therefore, I want to let you know about Tending Fire Men's Groups. I'm opening twenty spots in April (five new groups with four men in each).

It’s a place for men (1) to be real, (2) to receive consistent support & accountability, and (3) follow through on commitments. If you identify as a man, I invite you to take a look right now. If you identify as other than “he/his,” I imagine that there is a man in your life who needs this work. Share this email with him. This work will change his life. And, it will ripple out into the world, and make a positive difference.

I am also launching the Tending Fire Men's Groups Podcast Channel, with five new episodes (see below).  This channel will be focused on men's work, while the Alliance podcast will continue to be a place to share diverse voices, from all walks of life, of committed citizens who are doing the real work of guiding us towards a viable future.

Thank you for walking with my on this narrow path of learning and leadership.

in solidarity,
Lev Natan

Lev Natan