How to Supercharge Your Projects in 2019 (with the Natural Planning Method)

We've entered the new year and it's time to get down to business.

Now that the holidays are over, you're feeling the call to shift gears into action mode.

The Natural Planning Method, as taught by David Allen, resonates deeply with the core principles and practices of The Medicine Tree.

The way that you naturally go about planning anything in your day to day life is the way this works - i.e. deciding which restaurant to go to, which outfit to wear, who to hire, whether or not to take on that particular project.

The Natural Planning Method: 3 Precise Steps

First, start with why.  

Take a moment to write down why this project is actually important to you.  And, it does matter that you write it down. 

Writing it down allows your mind to trust that you "mean business" because you are actually capturing it's good ideas, as opposed to just ruminating about it.

Second, define what success looks like.  How will you know when the project is complete and you have achieved your desired outcome.  

Again, this seems like a no-brainer, but it is very rarely practiced.  In writing this down, you actually see the vision for what you are going for, and that energizes and motivates your creativity.

Third, strategize how you're going to do it.  The "how" has three distinct phases:

1. Brainstorm - let your mind go - with a pen and paper -mind-mapping (or bubble-zap as a friend of mine calls it:) is an excellent way to let your mind go free!

2. Organize - prioritize and sequence which ideas come first, second, third...and which might not be actionable at all.

3. Follow Through - define your next steps.  This means literally saying "what am I going to do with all of these valuable notes and ideas when I finishing this planning session."  Write an email?  Schedule your next work session on this project?  Make a phone call?  What is your next action?

It doesn't have to take long.  I continually surprise myself with the insight, clarity and new energy that open from just ten minutes of working through this process.  But, it only works if you work it.  So, turn the phone off, put on some music, take out a blank piece of paper, set a timer for ten minutes and get to it...

I created a 6-Minute Facebook Live Video to take you through the process.  Use it to get moving!

After your finish, let me know how it worked.  I'd love to hear from you.  Hit reply and email me what project you focused on and what shifted after just ten minutes of working the Why, What and How of the Natural Planning Method.

Happy New Year!


Lev Natan